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Add Livechat to your website 1024 502 79DESIGN Ltd

Add Livechat to your website

Customers like to contact you via online livechat, chat systems.  Meaning no need to pick up the phone, or email.  They can just type into the box and have a conversation with you, instantly.  It’s the new norm! Hey we…

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New YouTube Video launched for 2015/2016 150 150 79DESIGN Ltd

New YouTube Video launched for 2015/2016

With all the new support and website design functions we now perform, we have had this new YouTube video produced.  Wordpress, business cards, and of course our 1st class support service are all highlighted. The video is now live on…

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price check
Price Slider website – changing price range 1024 341 79DESIGN Ltd

Price Slider website – changing price range

We have seen websites where you can search for products, and then select £10-£30, or perhaps move a ‘slider’ to go “up to £30”.  We wanted to develop and administer our own new price slider website tool – and we…

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Dynamic YouTube Videos website page 800 392 79DESIGN Ltd

Dynamic YouTube Videos website page

A big thing some of our clients have, are YouTube videos, with website areas dedicated to all their video content. So in the past few weeks we have developed an all new, upgraded videos page. Originally it had the categories…

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product tags
Product tags that transform websites 1024 698 79DESIGN Ltd

Product tags that transform websites

This week we came up with an idea for a client to use ‘Product Tags’.  These are seen occasionally on a web site where there is a block of ‘buttons’ with indiviual or multiples of words in them that related…

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Custom Websites inthebox tool 150 150 79DESIGN Ltd

Custom Websites inthebox tool

We regularly create new custom tools for websites.  Sometimes they are the simplest of ideas; other times they can be very specialized.  This week we have developed a specialized website tool called “inthebox”. The customer sees what’s “inthebox” The client…

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websites uplifted from stagnant
Stagnant websites are bad for SEO 1024 399 79DESIGN Ltd

Stagnant websites are bad for SEO

One of the big things we are asked about is “how to I get my new web site higher on Google?“.  It’s obviously the one big thing everyone (well most) wants today.  There are countless answers.  The big issue though…

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Wordpress website
WordPress websites are cost effective 1024 576 79DESIGN Ltd

WordPress websites are cost effective

We have written much about Wordpress and what we do with it here on our 79DESIGN Blog but we thought we would explain how Wordpress websites are cost effective. Generally a custom web site is one we build, sometimes from…

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