Privacy Policy

This page is about the the documentation we store about you, and the documentation we do NOT store.

Client information

Because of the work we do, we store email account information so we can provide a supportive service, when the clients forgets their passoword.  We do not however check client emails, unless we are asked to do so during a support ticket request.

We store login details to our client’s websites, this is because we regularly login to run updates and check for errors, when formed as part of a support package.

We store client postal addresses, used solely for invoicing.  We do not send out marketing emails or marketing letters to any clients.

What we do NOT store

While we have a direct debit system, this is processed via a third party system, to which we cannot see full payment details.  This stores their postage address for invoicing to which we do have access.

These details can be attained by our customers via an online portal to which they have SSL secure login access.

If you require further details on what we store, please do get in touch with us.

Cookies on this website

This website uses cookies for login purposes – that’s how it knows who is logged in, and to show what information.  However, if you as a user are not logged in, it does not use any cookies.  We do not use any tracking systems for Adwords or Facebook.

Google Tracking Code

This website uses Google’s tracking code to feedback to us what pages are visited, and from what general locations.  It does not collate any personal information.  If you require privacy information on this, please visit Google’s website and look for their privacy policy.


Our Newsletter tool collates your name and email purely to send you news by email.  We do not share any of this information.  If you wish to submit to it, you must check the box to confirm you are happy for us to do so – but this is the purpose a Newsletter… to email you news.

Hosting and Access

Our website hosting partners do not access our website, without our say so and knowledge.  If you require details of their access, please contact us and we can forward you their details so you can get in touch with them privately.