WordPress Training / Bespoke Courses

Learn more with
WordPress Training

UK WordPress Training teaches you at your own pace, courses designed around your need, about how your WordPress website can be edited and run.

tailored wordpress training

Tailored to You

You tell us what you want to learn. We teach you.

group wordpress training

Group or Single

Teaching your working group, or just you.

wordpress settings

Learn its settings

From Permalinks to a little SEO, and your Theme

google review

“Simon from 79DESIGN visited our school to help with our website. He was very friendly, knowledgeable and willing to help.


Pat, Administrator
Lincoln Castle Academy


Learn WordPress
with a personal trainer

Each business has a different WordPress Training requirements for their website.  Most issues are broadly similar: how to add images and videos, adding them to pages and posts, using the blog, working with social media, and laying out pages effectively.  We can teach all of this to you personally, or in small groups, about the amazing platform that is WordPress.

Remote WordPress Training

By Phone

Less easy that face to face training, but still possible to go through WordPress Training basics.

By Skype

With voice and video, it is not as easy as face to face, but can still train in WordPress fundamentals.


With video call, we can usually “share screen”, so we can see what you are dealing with.

Microsoft Meeting

With this and Teams, we can share screens and teach you how to use WordPress.

Learn the basics of WordPress, like Menus

Through our WordPress Training Courses, you will learn the main parts you need to understand and you use this platform, from posts and pages, to creating Menus, Sub Menus and locations of Menus.

How to install the best plugins

These are the ‘add ons’ that help WordPress perform even better – but knowing where to find them, buy Premium versions, and install them takes a little more knowledge.

What are Widgets?

Our UK WordPress Training courses can show you how they are positioned, what plugins can use Widgets, and how your theme might be able to lay them out in a special way.


There are so many WordPress themes, but which is best for your needs, and where do you get them?

Some WordPress Training Course Specifics

Creating WordPress Posts

How you create good Post content and articles, editing content, and managing the whole Posts side of your websites.

Installing WordPress Theme

It’s what makes your website look the way it does – we show you where to get themes, how to install, then configuring it.

Using the WordPress Media Library

The WordPress Media Library stores all your images and file attachments.  We show you how to use it, and take great advantage of it.

WordPress Pages Training

There are Posts and there are Pages. We show you the differences, and how to handle them in the most productive ways.

WordPress SEO

One the optimum aspects of your website, over design, is to be found on Google and other search engines.  We have huge SEO experience; this is translated into our WP training, to show you the best methods in SEO for your website.

WordPress Blogging

WordPress was written originally for Blogging, so why not use it to it’s most beneficial – we help you understand how best to write blogs, setting up a blog on your site, and getting it all running smoothly.

Contact forms

You want your readers and customers to contact you, and one way is via a contact form, but there are many ways to do that.  We teach you some easy and some advanced ways of doing this.

Ecommerce Training

You want to learn how to create a Shop with the best CMS on the market.  Using WooCommerce, which is a free plugin, we show you how to setup a shop on your WordPress website.