• 16th October 2015

Stagnant websites are bad for SEO

Stagnant websites are bad for SEO

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One of the big things we are asked about is “how to I get my new web site higher on Google?“.  It’s obviously the one big thing everyone (well most) wants today.  There are countless answers.  The big issue though is stagnant websites – don’t let yours become stagnant.  One good method is with a Blog.  Blogs are so important.  You are looking at one right now!

What do we mean by “stagnant websites”?

So you have a new web site.  You have Facebook and Twitter on there.  You even have a Blog on there using WordPress (we provide Blog Management services here).  You have 5, 10, maybe 15 pages.  Those pages never need to be touched as they are what they are.  Fabulous!

However, if nothing is changing on your website, then Google (there are others of course) doesn’t see any development, anything new on your site, and therefore others who ARE working on their site will probably rank higher.  Here’s a rather clever thing: the more you update your site with Blog entries and so on, the more regular Google will start to check it with its “crawlers”.

Think of it like your shop, or shop front.  The more things are added or tweaked the most your customers will look to see what’s news as they know you change it often.  If it changed hardly at you…. they’d get bored.

Many of our web sites are crawled so regularly, that one small change can be seen in search result in a matter of 24 hours, to a few days.  Though this does depend on the age of the site, and if your site has had this manner of updates.  For example, let’s say you have a blog that was last updated 2 years ago, and now you want us to do work on it.  It will be a little while longer for Google to index that, than sites it scans more often.

A brilliant – absolutely brilliant – way of doing this is with Blogging.  Writing news stories about your company, news, maybe pioneering ideas you have had, things your clients have asked you to do.  A prime example….. is what you are reading right now.  We are telling you this, about stagnant web sites, on our blog.  It’s news, it’s information.

How do I stop ours becoming stagnant websites with your help?

Easy – let us help you with your blogging.  If you write what you want going out in the news, we will get it on your WordPress blog, on your Facebook, Twitter and so on.  The more you do, the better it becomes.  And we can help you with that.  As a lawyer television advert says after all, it’s what we do.

We can do this via Blog Management, or with an overall WordPress Maintenance package, designed for you.

Contact us today on our Lincolnshire SEO page for lots more information.

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