SEO Agency in Lincolnshire

SEO Power
Way More Potential

We provide SEO Agency services in Lincolnshire, across the UK, speeding up websites, proactively progressing websites.

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Improving your SEO Services

With our experience in Search Engine Optimisation for over a decade, we bring this skillset to your business.  We can do one-off tasks, or run your website programme to continually monitor and improve your website’s performance.

thumbs up

I have come across so many developers that take your money and run. Not you.  100% respectful and helpful.

Explore proactive SEO Agency services in Lincolnshire

How our services help your growing business

You are probably here because you need help with Search Engine Optimisation, you probably have been searching for, “Lincolnshire SEO Agency UK”, “SEO Service Lincolnshire” or something similar (even local) in any of our locations, and you found us – welcome!

We all know the importance of website visibility and our results are proven. There are countless of agencies that promise the best results and don’t deliver.  You are in safe hands with 79DESIGN.   You know we are experts because you found our website! We help all kinda of companies across Lincolnshire and the UK, in many sectors with their Optimisation. Contact us today and get your business seen for all the relevant searches that drive results in your market.

thumbs up
I have been blown away by how efficient, professional and helpful they are.
Madeleine, Dietician in Bristol


seo specialist Lincolnshire

Our SEO Services

Onsite Page Content

On-page content optimisation is at the heart of our strategy. You can’t to target your most valuable search terms without it. Our aim is to get your keywords and content optimised, to engage more visitors.

ECommerce SEO

Whether you’ve had a stop for some time, just starting out in online sales, investing in specialist ecommerce gives you the chance to make more transactions and more revenue online.

Link Building

Links represent a core part of your overall plan – optimised internal link has tangible benefits for a website’s ability to rank in organic search. Criss-crossing within your website, to show the importance of each page.

Local SEO

For businesses with a physical location or customers in a specific local area, targeting your local keywords through local Optimisation is critical. We can advise you on aspects of local search, from map packs to Google My Business profiles, and local coding.

SEO Audit

Our Search Engine Optimisation auditing service is designed to provide actionable recommendations on key aspects of your website’s performance. We can show general audits, including speed, performance and top-level keyword issues.

Search Engine Optimisation Consultancy

If your organisation needs better support, we can offer guidance at pace. We’ll help you capture and convert more organic traffic online, honing the coding across your website, and ensuring hosting is top of the line.

WordPress Migrations

Quite often one major impact is speed. We can sometimes run free server test to show if we are faster, and then create a managed package for your website’s SEO service to improve it month on month.

SEO Training

We’ll teach you useful practices and equip you with the knowledge to help you understand key aspects of SEO in an easy to understand way. From what H Tags are, to what the Metas are used for, as well as many other onpage aspects of SEO.

The trusted & reliable local SEO Agency in Lincolnshire

Are you struggling to find a reliable and fast responding SEO Agency?  We specialise in localised SEO Services here in Lincolnshire and across the UK., focused on your ranking positions, but also the quality of design, speed and performance of your website.  So if you own a business and need help with an SEO Strategy, to achieve a much better online presence in your area (and far beyond… our clients are across the UK), contact us today!

SEO Services in Lincolnshire for local businesses & nationwide, providing expert optimisation to your website.

Get your SEO back on track.

We can delve into your website, to see what’s going on, and see where we can push your further.

A boost in speed plus better optimisation.

Job one is speed, then optimisation of your keywords and images, plus layout and content.

01775 894479
stamford web design drawing

Positively Better.

We work in positive ways to improve your website. We can even often migrate a copy of your site to our server, to see if we are quicker – 9/10, we are!

google review

Great ideas, actionable ideas and inspiration from the outset.  They got us to number one on Google. Would highly recommend! 👍
Chris, CEO, Tutors & Exams Group, Coventry

Organic SEO

Organic SEO is focused on getting you to the top of Google’s natural results – ie. NOT the Ads! If you sell your products or services to a national audience, then organic SEO is the means that will get you in front of more customers across the country. To do this, we employ a variety of proven, best-practice tactics that we know, through experience, get long term results. As an experienced consultant, it’s these results we are really committed to.  We use Yoast and Rank Math, depending on the project.

Local SEO

Local SEO revolves around methods that get your business in front of people in the local area, looking to buy your products and services. It’s all about showcasing what you offer to a local online audience.  This is perfect for local shops and service providers, cafes, bars and so on.  We put tried and tested techniques to work, such as Google Local Pack optimisation, citation building and locally focused content digital marketing and Google My Business.  As a respected SEO company, local businesses (and many across the UK) know they can trust us to achieve the results they need to grow their sales.

On Google’s search results, there are just 10 Organic Listings, less on phones.  The first page of Google can be very difficult to get your keywords to rank on page one. It’s necessary to employ an experienced SEO company to give you the edge you need to achieve better ranking positions.

Local SEO campaigns

You would have undoubtedly heard from countless SEO Agencies in Lincolnshire, claiming to offer what we do.  It’s a compliment to our service, however, as a respected SEO Agency we only use tried and tested SEO methods.

SEO timing: it takes patience

There is a myth that making quick changes to your website will have quick results – in SEO terms.  For so many reasons, your ranking position may struggle for a time; even after a new SEO agency takes over.

This can be for various reasons, but the most common one is months of poor SEO optimisation developing a bad reputation.  This takes time to build up again, but we go through your website in various stages, particularly if it starts out quite bad.  Simply making a list of changes, won’t suddenly spike your site.

SEO Complete Site Scan

This is where we run a full scan of your website, and go through Errors and Warnings, to clear them all up.   Many issues can be hidden, or not seen by the naked eye – such as duplicate page titles, missing Alt Tags and so on.

Primary SEO Keyword Updates

What are your primary keywords?  You may have internal pages you want to rank, but what do you want your homepage to rank for – this is “primarily, what you do”.  Example: if you are a plumber, but you do boilers, taps, heating, radiators, leaks… your homepage should be as a “plumber”.   This is high on our list of tasks for your SEO Optimisation.

Internal page keywords

Your primary homepage is setup, but you might sell products or have other services – this is where your internal pages are optimised.
Not all the above is done on day one, as it takes time to go through everything.

And more besides

From Blogging to Adding Products, SEO is almost like a game, of catchup, and continued internal checking of content.  Running scans, and chasing keywords across your website.

Lincolnshire SEO Specialists

It very likely that you ended up on this page because you’re looking for some assistance with your business SEO, and we got you covered!  No matter what size your business, we can take care of in your area (and beyond). Our SEO Agency has proven strategies and the quality-driven approach you have been searching on behalf of your business, to achieve its online success.

But don’t take our word, for it we practice what we preach, and that’s why you found our SEO services page so easily, as we are very well Google optimised.  Else we would not be doing our job so well.  We will never make false claims or guarantees to our clients.

SEO Questions

When you login to your website, you will be greeted by a graph from Google Analytics, that you can filter by dates, sessions, even location.

As a local business you will want to be find by local readers.  So within your SEO account, we will add the relevant tools on your website to attract Google to your specific location.

You can be assured of speedy replies when you contact us about your website.  Be it questions about SEO, or updates you wish us to make for you.

Since the speed of your website’s loading is paramount, we perform regularly tests to ensure it is always ‘tip top’.

We perform regular audits on your website’s speed, and internal technical SEO.  This sometimes involves chasing updates to the site, such as product additions and categories.

Organic traffic is natural in the sense that it is earned rather than paid for. To be successful, you still need to invest a lot of time and resource in SEO. Search engines have got better at identifying the intent of search queries, but it takes them time to “pickup and learn” (index) your content.

Because organic traffic is not paid for, once an SEO strategy takes effect and visibility increases, a website will see growth in this channel. It can take time. More visibility = more traffic = more potential customers.

SEO is a process of on optimising a website to make it more visible to search engine results pages (i.e. in Google search results). This is with the goal of driving organic traffic to the website. Organic traffic is driven to a website from clicks on these search results.

The better optimised, the easy it is for Search Engines to read and rank your website.

Keyword analysis is an important aspect of search engine optimisation because it helps you find the correct content for your website. It drives converting traffic to your website. It helps to spot the keywords being used online for your type of content, and then optimising for those keywords. What you *think* might be what people are searching on, isn’t necessarily correct.


Mastering your keywords through the website, continuing tweaking and adjusting through the website.

Image Optimisation

We ensure your images are not oversized and fully optimised, and seen as such, but search engines.

On Page Work

Checking for duplicate content, internal linking and so much more

Site Structure

We setup and configured your structure correctly, ensuring Google sees what it should

Google Crawling

We ensure Google only crawls what is needed, ensuring concise and relevant search results.


You can view your Google stats from right there in your website – just login and see the traffic.


Paid ads are very effective at this but can be expensive.  We are not PPC SEO specialists.  On the other hand, our SEO services are a perfect compliment to your marketing activity, and will provide a great return on investment.

seo small business

Tailored SEO.
Tailored Fees.

We know ourselves to be one of the most reasonably priced SEO and website Agencies.  While some charges close to £1k and above, we are much more reasonable.

We believe that every business deserves the best, and we will always quote you a fair fee to do the work properly, rather than a pricing table for which many aspects might not even be relevant to your business’s SEO requirements.

You are Unique.
SEO plan is too.

It’s for this reason that ‘packages’ are not to be trusted. When a potential clients contacts us about their website, we assess their requirements. What are the objectives? Are they realistic? Who are the competition? Will we be working with a new website with no authority or an established one going through its sixth migration.  Are their short-term wins we’ve identified which require a frontloading of resource?