Blog Management Services

You post.
We deliver.

Our Blog Management service is designed to meet your budget, while optimising each Post for Google.  You send us the content, for which you are the expert;  we optimise it and submit to your Blog – and socials where possible.

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British managed
Blog Management.

Our blog management service includes configuring your WordPress website ensuring your Blog site is SEO Compliant and working to help your Blog improve your Keyword performance too.  This is all part of our WordPress service.

We can turn your blog into something really special, and even connect it to your Social Media, to send out posts to your various SM channels.

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blog management uk services

Our UK Blog Management Services

Providing Blog Management Services in the UK means we get to see so many wonderful stories and articles. We work with many companies throughout the UK that have the story, but don’t know how to turn it into “a blog”. That’s where 79DESIGN’s Blog Management steps in.

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Blog Management UK

Scheduling Content in Time

Preparing news to be broadcast soon

SEO Compliant Posts

Written and Coded compliant with Search Engines

Managing Social Media output

Connectivity with your social media channels

Upload Images and files

Managing your media, files, links & videos

What do you want to say? Tell your Blog Manager

You know the words you want to say in a blog… but how do you make them all into a Blog.
That’s where 79DESIGN steps in, as your Blog Manager.

We make it happen; turning your story, into a blog, then working hard to gather your website’s keywords, to push them through your blog management for greater SEO projection.

blog management and support

Boost your Audience
as a Blogger

Blogging shows “activity” on your website. Don’t shy away from the power of a WordPress Blog!  Our Blogger Services keeps your website up to date and growing.

Let the experts
provide your Blog Management

With a blog on your website, you have a place to publish and promote great content, attract new website visitors, and engage your existing customers day-after-day, and Google sees a Blog as news.

Boosts Website Traffic

Interesting and useful website content gives visitors a reason to come to your site – and return.

Ranking Keywords

More website content gives you more opportunities to rank for keywords, and provide internal linking.

Sales Leads

Blog traffic can easily be converted into leads, enquiries and therefore sales, when the content is valid to their search.

Personalised Articles

Blogging helps to humanise your business so you aren’t a faceless company. You are real, your articles are real.

Instant Interaction

Provides a place for customers to provide feedback and ask questions, and share in social channels.

Related to Business

A blog article can alert others of your news, and drive people into to read latest announcements.

Why do you need a blog on your website

It is still amazing to see business websites that don’t have a blog. The fact is if you don’t have a blog, your only opportunities for increasing website traffic and attracting new customers are going to be through your main site, and that won’t include news you might have, or having your promotional content broadcast on social media.

Google scans your site more often as it will see regular updates and new pages on your website. It is extremely important to have regular updates, and WordPress makes that easy.


Increase blogging frequency boost SEO

Apart from not having a blog at all, the next worse thing is not blogging at all, or only a few every so often. You have a great looking blog installed and setup, but your last post went up three months ago.

Imagine the negative perception your potential customers have when they find out your blog has nothing new, and you have nothing to say.

Let’s put together a plan to increase your blog, and increasing traffic.