• 9th November 2015

Product tags that transform websites

Product tags that transform websites

Product tags that transform websites 1024 698 79DESIGN Ltd

This week we came up with an idea for a client to use ‘Product Tags’.  These are seen occasionally on a web site where there is a block of ‘buttons’ with indiviual or multiples of words in them that related to the products on the web site:  blue, denim, shirt, cotton, short sleeves… that kind of thing.  The difference is, this was all built custom – not via a WordPress site.

Because we had seen it elsewhere, we knew it would generate the buttons and be picked up by Google (and others’) crawlers.

So on the homepage you would have a big bunch of these products tags, and you click on “short sleeved” and up comes a page, like <yourdomain>/product-tags/short-sleeved, and there are ALL your products that you have assigned as short sleeved.

Sub Category level Product Tags

But then we went to another level, enabling them to assign it on a Sub-Category level.  So if all products in a given Sub Cat are one type, then they just pop it into that Sub Category as a Product Tag, and you very quickly and effectively build up huge pages for specific tags.


It’s a very powerful tool!  In fact only this evening, we received a call from the client to say how awesome it is.  That customers can now click on a single button, and see all products in one place, or a particular type, that they could have never seen before.  And Search Engines will pick up on this… and fast!

We are so proud of this new feature that it’s being rolled out on at least four other websites with probably more to follow.

Often it starts out with “I don’t know if this is possible but…”.  This time round it was actually our idea at 79DESIGN, but the Sub Category level idea, was not – that was theirs.  Genius.


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