• 3rd May 2016

Website Upgrade and Update

Website Upgrade and Update

Website Upgrade and Update 1024 320 79DESIGN Ltd

One of the key things we do, day in day out, is website upgrades and update processing for new and existing clients. This can be down to poor design, lack of responsiveness for mobile, or even to fix issues for mobile displays.  But more often, it’s providing upgrade or update work to websites we have created.  General improvements, new tools and so on.

It’s clear from our research that there are a lot of websites out there, that “will do”, for many. But for some it won’t do, and quite rightly you want a company to upgrade it.

But also mobile responsive websites are done so badly, that the mobile view isn’t tested. It’s broken, the logo is too small so looks blurred, the banners are overlapping the mobile menu, images that have text are now unreadable as they are “shrunk down”.

website upgrade update > poor responsive to responsive

Image on left: not mobile friends, badly designed. Image on right: mobile friendly, easy to navigate.

These are all issues that can be resolved. Sometimes through a full revamp of the site. But if the site is on WordPress, a week or so of upgrades, theme upgrades can really do the trick.  This is done through our WordPress Support service, or a complete new WordPress Website design.

Another form of “upgrade” is your SEO, to improve the headers, titles, images including keywords.  An Upgrade is a lot of work, but in the long run, it’s highly proven to be worthwhile.

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