• 13th February 2019

Mobile Friendly Websites – their importance

Mobile Friendly Websites – their importance

Mobile Friendly Websites – their importance 1024 512 79DESIGN Ltd

Have you looked at your website on your mobile phone lately – is it mobile friendly?  Did you see a nice big website that’s easy to read, or was it tiny and you had to turn your phone landscape, or zoom in to view it?

If it’s the former, then your website is ‘Mobile Friendly’, if its the latter, it’s not good!

So what is a mobile friendly website?

It’s pretty much as we described above; it’s where your website is designed to be friendly on mobile devices.  So if a website looks compressed down to a small size, then it is NOT mobile friendly.

mobile friendly websites non mobile friendly

Here is an example of the differences.  You see on the left the menu is tiny and untappable on a phone, and the text is way too small.  It hasn’t been designed with a mobile device in mind.

Then look at the right image – a menu that you can tap, text you ca read, a search box you could click in.  It’s mobile friendly, and looks simple and nice.

We see many websites that are not like this.  Done badly.  Written for a desktop, and not even tested on a mobile device.

How do we do these mobile websites?

When we start a website, we build the design and structure of it.  Then we check it on a phone to see how it is laid out.  Is the logo big enough to see clearly, is the menu tappable and are the colours ok on a phone. Can you read the text of the mobile view website?  Then we tweak it all.  We can change the sizing of text for mobile devices, compared to desktop.  We have the tools to do this.

mobile friendly website design

Another example of mobile friendly comparison: note this is not our website

This is a great example of a real world website that’s been redesigned to look mobile friendly.  You can see on the left it is so small.  You cannot even see those faces, or any part of the website clearly.  But on the right, wow, so much better.  We prefer a mobile menu, but this works just nicely.

Is a mobile-friendly website, a responsive website?

A ‘responsive website’ responds to the size of the screen, so if you are viewing on a smaller laptop, or a tablet, the design of the website, the layout, should alter to fit the screen.  When it comes down to mobile sized viewing, it should change much further to fit it all in, but still be enjoyable for the reader.  That’s what’s happened to the website above – in fact, that is what happens to the website on which you are reading this article.  It’s a Responsive Website.

For more information on mobile friendly websites, visit our ‘Responsive Websites‘ page.

So next time you look at any website on your phone, and it’s really easy to use – check your own company’s website and compare.  We promise it’s worth checking.  We also promise, if it is NOT mobile friendly, we can help.

Call our Lincolnshire office

If you would like to give us a call to go through your website, or plans for a mobile friendly website, please do call us on 01775 894479.  We are here to help, guide and advise, and perhaps create something amazing for you.

If you just want a little chat, to send us your website address, and to get some plans, click on the live chat in the lower right corner of this blog post, and we can be chatting in seconds – for real.


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