• 13th December 2017

How is your website ranking these days?

How is your website ranking these days?

How is your website ranking these days? 1024 457 79DESIGN Ltd

Do you want to be ranked Number One on Google?

Everyone wants to be ranked number one, right?  Sure.  It’s easy right?  Not that easy.

It needs a lot of careful tweaking of your website, monthly updates and quite often, an overhaul to rejig your entire system.

It takes work, a lot of it

A lot of work goes into the best SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for a website.  It isn’t a one quick fix and it’s done.  It takes time and effort:

  • new content
  • correctly coded images
  • correct titles on all pages
  • a good structure
  • information to tell Google and others about you
  • various levels of website hosting
  • social media connectivity

Based in our Lincolnshire studio, we are experts at local SEO work.  Each month we will take on your content to create new pages or news articles, and ensure it is fully ‘SEO Compliant‘, meaning Google and other search engines can ‘read’ your pages effectively.  There are a number of things we can do for your Google Ranking on a one quick fix.

google rankingLocal Google Ranking

Quick fixes can be done on many websites and often requires new work and new content.  A new system to make images load much more dynamically.  Again, we are WordPress Experts at this, and have done it many times for some highly successful clients, from plumbers to small and very large commerce websites.

If your website is not performing so well and you feel it’s the SEO that needs work, why not give us a call or use Livechat.  We are here to help, to work with you, and to make your website far more successful.

Support for your WordPress website’s SEO

Along with general SEO support, we also offer WordPress Support for your whole website.  This can include all manner of areas where you need assistance, but if your Google Ranking is a priority we can add SEO to your package.  Just get in touch and let us know.  Or if you want to learn more about getting SEO right on your site, why not contact us about WordPress Training.

01775 894479


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