• 18th October 2019

Training you for your website

Training you for your website

Training you for your website 150 150 79DESIGN Ltd

You have a website and it’s built with WordPress.  If you don’t, then perhaps this article isn’t for you.

Oh you do have one – great, read on … do you know how to use it effectively?  Have you seen videos on YouTube about WordPress, looked up courses but you are just stuck?wordpress training for your website

WordPress Training

Sometimes it’s just easy for someone to sit down with you and go through it.  Well that’s where our WordPress Training kicks in.  A relaxing way to learn what you need to lean about your website.  The best means to add media, embed a video, how to get your keywords into your Pages or Blog Articles (Posts), and so much more.

group wordpress training

Many like to go on a course for a day.  Visiting a city where they do these almost daily.  Sitting in a classroom with maybe 15 or 20 people (or more).  The person at the front goes through a slide show or some videos to go through the day’s training.  So what do you learn?  Difficult to say as you haven’t told them what you need to learn, you’ve picked out a course that is vaguely similar to your WordPress Training needs, and as such, maybe half of that teaching is content you already know.

We visit our clients for training

This is what our clients often say to us when we visit them at home or work.  “I didn’t want to learn all those things, I have issues of my own that I need guidance on”.  We aren’t saying the ‘day’ courses are not good.  If you know literally nothing about WordPress, then it’s fine.  But it’s still a day away from work.  The course is not concentrated to your needs.

Example: one of our clients had a website written in WordPress, but they were struggling.  They sent us a list of their issues, booked the afternoon and we spent that time with them.  We went through the whole list, and taught them all they needed to know.

Visiting a county’s University

Another example was for a large teaching corporation in Lincolnshire.  Their team needed to learn WordPress from the very basics.  So we had a day with them going thru a pre-planned course.  But during that day, we walk around the groups tables to help those who were struggling a little, and by the end of they day they felt they had more knowledge to press on with things.

No two WordPress Training events are the same.  This is quite a special comment to make.  You might need very different training to your colleague.  You know how to handle images and videos, but they might not have any idea.  If that other person was a different company, that’s two separate lists of “to dos” that we would go through.

Onsite WordPress Training

Onsite WordPress Training is a sub area of our website, which while the same as the main training page, enhances that we do this “on site”, not here at base.  We don’t have a fixed venue or training room.  We come to you!  Very few companies do that.  The upside is that you don’t need to find your way to us, or to take a day away from work.  Maybe we can organise lunch at yours and just make it less format.

The downside is it does cost a bit more than these ‘pre-booked courses’, as they are designed to condense a lot of people into one course.  Think of it like a Bus vs a Taxi.  A bus is cheap, but stops maybe 20 times on a 10 mile journey.  A taxi costs more, but goes direct… just for you.

So if you need some help with your WordPress Website, consider us at 79DESIGN to get you on track with it, and learn what you need to learn… and let is come to you.

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