• 6th September 2016

New Free Website Health Check available

New Free Website Health Check available

New Free Website Health Check available 1024 316 79DESIGN Ltd

In the last few months or so we have been working hard to upgrade our website, to make it more information, more modern, and even more responsive to help you find the very best service; part of this was to prove a website healthcheck service.

Each page now has much more information on the services we provide, greater detail on certain key benefits of our services, as well as website upgrades, website hosting, and many more specifics about each topic.

A website health check that is free – amazing!

One of the fabulous new things we now offer is a FREE website audit.  This is linked from our small top menu.  Visit the page, which has details of some elements we check, and a simple form for you to give us your details, and we do the rest.

We then send you a report on various areas we cover, from navigation, layout, titles, and general “coding” that you may not be aware of.  Through to using Google’s tools (or whether you are not using them), to sitemaps.

Having the very best website for your service is our aim, and now we can offer you a report to give you more information.

Once you have the information, including “why” these elements are so important, you can make an informed decision about what you would like to do.  Maybe get in touch with us to ask us if we can help to fix them all.

This is not a service to moan about your website.  Design and appearance is very personal.  This is about the essentials that a website needs.  Visit a Doctor and they won’t tell you if they feel you are attractive. They will check on your “health”.   This is what we are doing with our website health check.

If you need a healthcheck, or an overall WordPress Support package, get in touch with us.  We are here to help, advise and get this right for you.

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