• 19th May 2015

Mobile Friendly for Google Search is now vital

Mobile Friendly for Google Search is now vital

Mobile Friendly for Google Search is now vital 150 150 79DESIGN Ltd

Is your web site mobile friendly – Google Search is watching.  Meaning, if you view it on your smartphone, or shrink the width of your browser, does it change to format for the size of that smaller screen?

Yes?  Fabulous.  No need to read on.  Have a great day.

No?  Read on, this is really important.  While it is not meaning to scare folks, it is a problem if you want to climb the Google Rankings and your web site isn’t friends for phones.

Take a look at this Blog Entry from Google.


They are saying, in a nutshell, if your web site is not “mobile friendly”, you will drop in rankings to those that are mobile friendly.

These are the simplest ways to spot if you are mobile friendly:

1) Shrink the width of your browser while viewing your web site.  Does it collapse down into a new format when it’s about 3 inches wide?  If yes, then it is mobile friendly.

2) If you view your site on a phone, do you have to “pinch to zoom” to view the text?  If yes, you are NOT mobile friendly.

3) Search for your site on Google.  It will say “mobile friendly” in the results, if indeed yours is!

If you have any concerns, or you have found out that yours is not friendly to phone, drop us a line, or visit this page.
