• 24th September 2014

Just BB Guns completely revamped responsive web site

Just BB Guns completely revamped responsive web site

Just BB Guns completely revamped responsive web site 150 150 79DESIGN Ltd

Just BB Guns is the UK’s leading Airsoft BB Guns retailer.

Today we launched their brand new, entirely revamped fully responsive web site, through full co-ordination with it’s directors and SEO guys, the site is now new and fresh.  Faster to load.  Easy to navigation, and much better use of imagery.  And an even better and more interactive mobile site.

Quite literally rebuilt from the ground up, fresh new code, far better use of HTML and CSS, and something that has taken the breath away of various key people involved in the project, both in the relatively short time it has taken to build, and in the quality of the result.

We are really very proud of it.  www.justbbguns.co.uk

Just BB Guns Logo

Just BB Guns Logo

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