• 31st October 2014

Ceramica and Stone has gone Responsive

Ceramica and Stone has gone Responsive

Ceramica and Stone has gone Responsive 150 150 79DESIGN Ltd

We have been extremely busy this month, working on Ceramica and Stone’s group of web sites making them responsive.

Along with Visual Shop, we now completely manage www.ceramicaandstone.co.uk, from his Meta work, to the look, banners the lot – we work each day wtih Visual Shop to optimise this site to the max!

This site is now fully responsive, meaning you can view it on your desktop or mobile, and you get the same content.  To quote Steven Watts from C&S, “it’s a million times better than how it was before”.

If you would like something similar done for your web site, drop us a line.
Here is  a screenshot of the site, or visit: www.ceramicaandstone.co.uk.

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