• 11th April 2017

Events page gets more prominence

Events page gets more prominence

Events page gets more prominence 1024 518 79DESIGN Ltd

We found out recently that an ‘Events’ page on a client’s website is getting a LOT of attention through Google search.  It was a small sub page that listed Events companies showing: locations, website addresses, phone numbers, logos etc.  This page is for customers looking for locations to use the products sold on the website.

Events page get Google’s attention

We are unsure really why it ranks so high, but it’s possibly because the site itself has a number one prominence in its marketplace now.

So this morning (Wednesday) we worked on a new area for this page to give it a bit more prominence and frankly, usage for customers and those who are listed on it.

Featured Events site

There is a ‘featured site’ area now, to promote they are having a big event at some point, send a photo in, and at no cost it can be promoted as a Featured Site.  Obviously this takes more than five minutes to develop … it’s not a plugin!

events management page

We had to change the whole Edit function so it incorporated an Image Upload tool which could be for a promotional banner, photo of the site or whatever; Featured Content text, and of course the ability to switch it on or off as being ‘featured’.

It was done in about 5 hours of hard work.  It works really well, and we have even added new ‘tags’ into the page, to help Google recognise the site names and images.

Readers can also now select a town or county from a dropdown list of those in the system.  It’s very useful for both the customers, and the admins of the website if they want to promote a site, but not sure where in the list it is shown.

To visit the page in question, please go to https://www.justbbguns.co.uk/skirmishsites.  A long time client, with whom we have a very strong relationship.

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