• 9th November 2018

Business Development with your Website

Business Development with your Website

Business Development with your Website 1024 575 79DESIGN Ltd

Voiceover for the partially sighted

Your business – in this day and age – is not complete without a great looking website, and a website that looks small on a phone, is not great.  This creates a bad outlook toward your business development.

Upgrading Websites is a key service we offer

One of our key services is in upgrading websites as part of a business development plan.  Whether you want the same content, but a revamp of the design, making it responsive, improving the look of your content and imagery.  Or if you want something brand spanking new for your business!

Over 50% of online viewing is now done on mobile phones.  It’s because they are pretty much always to hand.  You don’t go and get your laptop or sit at a desk, when you can just pick up your phone and check on something.

Someone might send you a link on social media or text and you tap it to look.  But if you have to zoom in to look at it, the experience is poor right from the start.

Business Development – growing your website

Here at 79DESIGN we like to work with businesses who wish to improve their online presence.  Better use of images, interactive on their social media, and make their website really ‘pop’ on a mobile phone.

The difference can be amazing!

business development websites

We perform website audits for companies, but sometimes the really obvious stuff is whether it works nice on a phone.  If the text is tiny and the menu is untappable, then it is not good at all.  We can help with this Business Development to transform your website – to make it really buzz on screen.

So what’s next for your website?

business development

We can help.
01775 894479

Give us a call, talk us through the issues you have got, and let’s make your business development grow, and your website look outstanding for your customers.

Our homepage is our core Web Designer area, and can lead you to all the areas we build your website an online presence.  Here we can help with your Social Media, your SEO, and build you a website you are really proud to own.

Don’t hesitate.  Let’s make your business develop correctly, at least from an online perspective!

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