• 13th December 2018

A day in the life….

A day in the life….

A day in the life…. 750 470 79DESIGN Ltd

Voiceover for the partially sighted

So what does a website designer do?  Apart from “they design websites“… no not really.  Much more that in fact!

So I’m Simon, and I thought I’d write this little blog post to give you today’s “day in the life”.

blog management blogging uk

Let’s start Blogging

It started with two duplicate blog posts for a local “though national” company.  We are in the middle of a major upgrade for their website.  A total transformation in design but also pages and content.  They needed four news articles on their current site – but we also added the same to their demo website so when we go live, it’s the same blog.

They supplied the images and the content.  This was all SEO optimised, and the images were added to the demo.  All done and dusted – then done again on their live site.  Plus, it was dated because these were posts for events and news that happened a a few months ago.

Supermarket Brand Website

We are also right in the middle of another task for them.  They produce a brand of products sold in many major UK supermarkets and high street shops.  We look after that website, but we are working with them to upgrade that site into something more exciting.  This has entailed taking new photographs.

79DESIGN is not really a ‘professional photography’ company – especially not when it comes to photographing Products.  We are great at photographing scenes, rooms, buildings and so on for large scale photos – but not product photography.  We leave that to the pros.  The photos were taken by them, inhouse;  we had the task of turning them into something stunning to use on screen.  20-30 photographs were all taken from their system and cropped and cut and highlighted.  Quite a painstaking job, but the results are rather special.  Once they are on the website, and we see them, we will be proud that we edited them!

woocommerce logo transparent

Customizing WooCommerce Category Pages

Also today we worked on customising some Woocommerce category pages.  We had been looking at a few tools to make category pages much more dynamic – rather than just “here’s a load of products”.  So we took the queue from our client, and began the custom HTML and CSS work to build the content, the code and styling to work on desktop and mobile.

It took a good few hours, but the results are fabulous.  It’s something that is likely to be rolled out on many of our ecommerce websites.

Also recently a client’s website is being split up – so it has a ‘residential’ side to it’s business, but also a Commercial arm.  Trouble is, if you are looking at it from the commercial view, the residential side doesn’t really make sense.

So we have migrated the site over – we are now making big changes to help both separate websites develop.  It would be great to make this all live before Christmas, but it’s always a risk to do something like that, before the holidays.

That was my day – oh, and being asked to look into creating and supplying 100 business cards.  A great day, very full, and rather multitasking – I say that, because practically all of the above was done… simultaneously!  Photos done, while other processing are going, on switching back to check other things as calls come in.  It’s been a demanding but great day.



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