• 29th April 2015

WordPress websites experts – available for your web site

WordPress websites experts – available for your web site

WordPress websites experts – available for your web site 150 150 79DESIGN Ltd

In recent years, the option to have WordPress websites built using WordPress has become increasingly used, and therefore more popular as well.

It does have its pitfalls, but if you know what you are doing, the results can be astounding.wordpress logo79DESIGN has developed many responsive web sites using WordPress and their themes, as a result, we have become WordPress Experts.

These themes can be downloaded for free, or more advanced themes purchased, but it comes with issues; if you don’t know what you are doing, it can be really cumbersome, and time-consuming, and a very slow learning curve.

For example, you have your theme… and now what?  How do you get thoses sliders on there, how do you get your brand colouring on there.  If it’s all in green, how do you get all your reds to be in the right places?  This is after you have added your pages, posts and social media.

These are not questions that can be answered and fixed by just anyone, unless you have weeks and weeks for your site to either be a holding page, or worse still, broken, while you sort it.

We always, without fail, put your new web site into a ‘beta’ form, so no user nor particularly Google can find it.  If it finds a web site with no content, no metas, no shorturls in it, it will sting you badly, and lose you so much ranking position, it will take months, maybe years to get it back.  So a beta form is where the site is protected and our of the way of your current ‘working live’ site.

We are experts in styling, specially in WordPress where it really is a minefield of code and data.  What’s the difference between a Post and a Page?  How do you get your menus working correctly and styled right?  How do you get an image on the web site and use it correctly?  Why won’t widgets a) appear on the homepage, but is on all other pages.

By far the biggest problem faced though is the colour styling.  The get your WordPress Site right, the underline colourings, borders, hover overs etc, all need to be in your brands colouring, else pink and yellow will show, where it should be red and blue.  And trust us, not all colours are set in the “Theme Options”.

Hire a WordPress Expert company that knows what they are doing; that has built multiple based and advanced WP Template web sites, and remove the headache you might just get from having a go.

If you have tried with WordPress and have problems, don’t hesitate to contact us, as we might be able to help you.