• 10th December 2014

Two sites rise up Google FAST – success

Two sites rise up Google FAST – success

Two sites rise up Google FAST – success 150 150 79DESIGN Ltd

Two of the web sites we revamped a few months ago, have risen up Google’s search rankings faster than we ever thought possible.

Ceramica and Stone, and Gramablend UK were not hardly even on Google’s radar for a year or more.  It struggled.  They use various companies to try and increase their rankings, but it never got beyond pages 5-10 on Google.  One never ever made it to page 10.

They switched, and decided to hand it all over to 79DESIGN and Visual Shop to restyle the whole site to become “Responsive”, so all their mobile customers can see the site in a far better experience, Google’s (and others’) crawlers can now see the mobile versions as well.

The result of this, is Gramablend has gone from “non-existant” to places 2-4 on Page One of Google.

Ceramica and Stone has risen from almost nowhere, to climb up Page 2 on Google.

Working on the new design, and then working hard on Google Webmasters to find fixes, plus the important Meta Tags, Descriptions and Keywords written by Visual Shop, these sites are now a force, that are both climbing Google more rapidly that the companies have ever seen before.

We continue to work hard to keep it that way, as we do with all sites that we maintain, and take huge pride in each day.

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