• 21st November 2014

Just BB Guns now lets you sort power by FPS

Just BB Guns now lets you sort power by FPS

Just BB Guns now lets you sort power by FPS 150 150 79DESIGN Ltd
Just BB Guns Logo

Just BB Guns Logo

Last week we upgrade a portion of the JUST BB GUNS UK web site following a suggestion from a customer via their Facebook page.

The customer wanted to know if there was a Spring powered product that had a certain level of power.  We could find out “technically” using our systems, but not for the front end customer.  We there for worked with the team at JBBG, and updated a page for ‘power’ to include the ability view the power, and sort it – high to low, and of course low to high.

The customer was informed, really pleased, and has since told us they bought a product as a result.

To view the page, click here: www.justbbguns.co.uk/airsoft-power