• 6th October 2017

How important is Social Media to you?

How important is Social Media to you?

How important is Social Media to you? 1024 373 79DESIGN Ltd

Social Media is definitely part of our lives now, whether some of us like it or not.  Many make a good business purely through social media & digital marketing, while some prefer to have a full website as well, so that the social media channels can direct traffic “into your world”.

Instagram - Social Media

There are varying platforms to work on, and some may or may not be relevant to your work.  For example, if you are a plumber, chances are an Instagram is probably not something you need.  But if you are a kitchen fitter, or you build bathrooms, then Instagram will be brilliant for you.  Then you can promote the amazing kitchens you have made for your customers.

Facebook - Social Media

Twitter - Social Media

Facebook and Twitter are fairly similar, in that you post ‘Status’ messages on both.  With Instagram you can post back to Twitter and Facebook too (yes this is where is can get a little confusing).  So if you have taken a photo, or you have a graphic you want to share, you can in fact do it through Instagram, and when you ‘post’, it can go to FB and Twit as well.  Very cool eh?

What we can do for you is to manage everything through our Social Media Management – monitoring your incoming PMs (Private Messages) on these platforms, and reply to a PM on your behalf, sometimes referring them to your website or telephone number.  But mostly it’s about ‘Posting’.

A good conversation with you, along with understand if you have a website and any SEO issues you may have, means we tailor our service precisely to your requirements.  We don’t just have a package for everything.  You might want us to take on ALL platforms, or just Facebook and Instagram, or just Twitter.  It’s entirely up to you; it’s down to what social media is important in your life.

Social Media based here in Lincolnshire

Based here in Lincolnshire generally means we look after local Lincolnshire companies’ social media.  But we also go far and wide.  We prefer the face-to-face conversation as well, so we can get to know you, and understand what sort of image you wish to portray.  Your brand.  Then we know where we are going with it.

You might like to add some Call to Action buttons on your Facebook, or have a Blog setup that is scheduled to send out news ready for a particular holiday or season.  We can look after it all for you.  If you need photos taking, we can include that in our package, and spend time each month with you.

So if you need some help, advice, or to have it managed for you, get in touch with us.  We are here ready to help.

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