• 29th September 2015

Do you post to all Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin?

Do you post to all Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin?

Do you post to all Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin? 1024 549 79DESIGN Ltd

Many of us use Social Media for ourselves, and some use it for our company to tell customers important news.  But how many of these “channels” do you use?

These are the main ones:

The more you use, the better it is, as the further reaching you are to customers and contacts.  It can be a little daunting…”goodness, so I have to write posts on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and even Google +?”.  Well no.

Posting to Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin – it’s more clever than that!

You can in fact post to them all from one place.  There are many ways to do it.  One really clever way, is to ask us to manage it for you.  We can run your Blog, or in fact build you one, and each post we process for you (that hopefully you will supply), will be blasted out to all your channels.  So your Facebook page can see your latest news, your Twitter feed will get a post with a link back to your blog.  Linkedin even shows the photo you might have added to your WordPress post.

It’s really cool.  Plus – want to write five posts now and have them scattered over the next month – DONE!  We can even schedule them in for you, so you can sit back and not worry about it.

Want to alter a post before it goes out next week – DONE!  We can edit the post for you.  Get it right.  Change the image.  Adjust it for SEO purposes.

So don’t be daunted by it.  Be inspired, it’s amazing.  And we can make it amazing for you.  We can do it as and when, or on a monthly basis on an agreed term.  We are highly flexible.  That’s how we work – flexible to your needs.

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