• 16th February 2017

WordPress Security in the media

WordPress Security in the media

WordPress Security in the media 1024 384 79DESIGN Ltd

There has been fairly widespread news in the media recently about WordPress, and wide-scale hacking going on with websites that don’t have up to date security on them.  We have been asked about this, if it affects them; so we thought we would write this brief blog to maybe guide you a little.  Plus, to offer our support if you are unsure.

WordPress itself is a website management system to which you as owner or administrator have a login.  You can then make changes to pages, posts, design etc.

If your version isn’t up to date, and someone tries to access your site, and especially if your password isn’t terribly clever, then someone could perhaps “hack in” and cause you some problems!

So how do you know if you need to be updated?  It’s in your Dashboard on your website.  If you are unsure, we can login for you, with your details you provide, and check.  Then we need to see if you have the latest version.

If your version is really old, then a backup will be needed incase the update is not compatible with your site.  You may might have plugins or other issues that cause the newer version to fail.

The likelihood is that it will update fine, but better to be safe than sorry.

If you are unsure, if you want your site checking, and then maybe having us update it for you for a nominal fee, or in fact you just want your WordPress site refreshing, give us a call or email.  Or even Livechat.  We are here in Spalding to help.

At the time of writing this, the current version is 4.7.2 (16/02/17).

Update: May 2020.
Security is not an issue these days, but if you do need support with your website, and you want monthly WordPress Support services from us, we are here to help.

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