• 2nd April 2019

What’s a Website Backup and Restore?

What’s a Website Backup and Restore?

What’s a Website Backup and Restore? 800 600 79DESIGN Ltd

There are times when you are doing things on your website but you make a bit of a mess of something – a task that has really ‘blown ‘your website.  Perhaps you updated something and your system couldn’t cope with it?

Restore Website after deleting products

Perhaps you accidentally deleted some products or a mass of photos by mistake?

It really can happen.  It’s not a regular thing; in fact it’s something you will probably only ever do once, but what if it does happen?  What can you do – apart from panic?  Your first port of call is usually your website hosting company, or your web designer?  The thing is, when this happens you need it resolving FAST.

website hosting backup restore

If we provide your website hosting, you need not panic at all.  You still will panic – it’s natural.  But don’t fret.  We have had a lot of experience where a client emails, calls or Whatsapps us and says “help, our site is down. We did something silly and … help”.

First question: “if we can roll back, when too?”
Second question: “you know if we roll back, everything is rolled back, not just that one thing?”.
Third question: “give us 10 minutes… is that ok?”.

website hosting restore happy shop manager

Usually within that space of time we have spoken with our hosting partners, and the site is rolled back to whenever you need it.  24 hours,  3 days.. a week?  Our clients have found this to be a lifesaving measure.

Backup Required though

Bear in mind, this can only work if you have Backups enabled on your hosting.  With our hosting, every site is backed up, every day.  Not all hosts do this (though they should!).  Without that backup, there is no place to rollback to.  So keep this in mind when you are looking at website host.

You might panic.  We just kick into action and get it resolved for you.

website rollback code

This can only be done by us if your website is hosted with us – tho we have worked with other companies to restore websites before.  If you have issues with your website, contact us and we will see what we can do for you.  Our number is 01775 894479.  Or click on the livechat and we will try to help.

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