• 29th July 2015

Jet Pack social media to customers

Jet Pack social media to customers

Jet Pack social media to customers 500 300 79DESIGN Ltd

Jet Pack social media means you can blast your news, review, stories and comments out to thsoe who follow you on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc (Google+ use to be included but expired last year), in an instant, all though WordPress.

Jet Pack social media is ‘the thing’ today

Social Media is quite simple “the thing” nowadays.  If you aren’t using it, you are missing a step – almost a set of stairs!  Pretty much everyone is on social media, whether that be on Twitter “tweeting” news; Facebook submitting information and links; LinkedIn to their fellow Linkedin pals.

With Jet Pack on WordPress, we can help you to push out your news articles, and get it to those people and companies who follow you, and who take an interest in your company, services, products or talent.

WordPress Logo

In lamens terms, you can either go onto your Facebook and write a ‘status’ message and submit.  You can go to Twitter on your computer or portable device and submit a tweet.  You can login to Facebook and write a post.  Or – login to WordPress, write a Page or Post, ensure it is SEO friendly, and submit it.  That will be posted out to all those feeds, with links back to your Blog/Website.  One task – 4 feeds – done!

So if you are on WordPress for your main site, or just for your Blog to promote news in your company, but you are a bit lost with it all, and you know you need to be using social media, drop us a line.

There are many ways to contact us either via this blog, or the our contact us page, email, phone, livechat….. Twitter, Facebook… oh yes!

We can even help you in training to use WordPress, and teach you how this goes out to those feeds.

As a WordPress Agency, we can help you in so many ways with this amazing platform.