• 28th March 2018

Rutland WordPress Training in Oakham

Rutland WordPress Training in Oakham

Rutland WordPress Training in Oakham 1024 482 79DESIGN Ltd

We spent a splendid afternoon on Tuesday training someone who was pretty good with WordPress, though she had lost her way a little.  She had a few websites and booked us to head over to her location near Oakham to go through her various questions and concerns surrounding WordPress.

Unlike most WordPress Training companies who provide a set course – we go through the issues and questions the user has, and teach them what they want to know – not what we want to train them to use.

wordpress trainingOne on One Training

She contacted us as she needed some one-on-one training on how to do a little more advanced work, like custom CSS, SEO changes, and effective plugin use.  She had a list of things to go through, so one by one, we went thru each month to explain, or “do” what the comment was on her list.

A few key areas were in how to set rows of their particular theme to be full width.  Sadly this is not always possible.  Some themes are a little constricted to what it allows.  For example, we like to be able to add a row of say three columns.  plus content in each column, add our own amount of space between each column, and set the row to ‘full width’, so it goes virtually edge to edge on the screen.

Their theme (we shan’t mention brands or products here) didn’t allow this, or at least we could not see how to force it.  But we did show her how to use it in another way which would look possibly better.

Custom CSS in WordPress

Another area was in Custom CSS.  Most people who use WordPress websites create it with the theme, add their colours in the various Theme options, but there are times when the colour scheme does suit, such as background colours to sliders.  In this example she had black transparency, but needed it to be a dark green.  There was no option to do it, so we spent time showing her the HTML code, finding the right area, and working in theme’s custom CSS area to change it.  The final result looked very smart.

Working with someone like this is very rewarding.  They may get a little “oh my goodness, so much to learn”, but we hope they take some of it in to help them advance their knowledge in WordPress.

As we both agreed, it’s one thing to pick it up and build, it’s quite another to make it work correct, and get the SEO spot on.

If you are looking for some WordPress Training, pleaes visit our main website for details.

onsite wordpress training

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