• 25th January 2021

Flash has gone. What next?

Flash has gone. What next?

Flash has gone. What next? 150 150 79DESIGN Ltd

We are sure you have heard that Flash has now gone.  Left us.  Goodbye.

But what was Adobe Flash?

It had many uses, but one of its most common was to do funky stuff on screen, with animations and so on.  Plus many website platforms such as Moonfruit used it for its Adminstration side.  As such, these have now stopped working on many modern browsers.    The main reason was that Flash could have very dodgy code hidden within it, and software couldn’t always pick it up.  So it was ridden with stuff code stuff.  So if you want to Migration Moonfruit to WordPress, we can do this for you.

moonfruit migration to wordpress

9/10 this was not true, but it was one reason for it.  Plus many browsers just didn’t work with it.  Apple’s browsers, Safari disallowed it years ago.  So it was clear it was going to die a death very soon – and in 2021, it did.

adobe flash uk lincolnshireSo what next?  What can you do if your website is a Flash running site.  Well, get in touch with us.  While we cannot migrate content over seamlessly from a Flash-run site, we can setup new hosting, with WordPress and teach you how to use it, so your site is on a modern platform, that can scale easily for any situation.

Our Director, Simon, never actually picked up Flash as a tool for websites.  He recently said to us, “I started out with raw HTML code, Dreamweaver, CSS and so on.  That was around the time that Flash was used heavily, but I just couldn’t grasp it, and a web guru friend of mine (shout out to Elaine B.), develop what you know, and try to become a master of it.  So that’s what I did.”.

The end of Flash doesn’t mean the end of someone’s website, not if they can see see the consumer ‘front end’.  All the pages are still running, so you should be able to copy/paste that into new pages that won’t ‘end their life’ online.

How can 79DESIGN help?

While your admin side may not be working, much of the above can still be done, and as such we can setup new ‘future proof’ design hosting for you, and redesign your website so that is looks so much better.  Flash was never all that good at ‘responsive’ design, which we are, so let us take the reins and get your online business back up and running.

Contact Us today and let’s see how we can help.

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