• 29th November 2019

Blogging vs Social Media: Which is best?

Blogging vs Social Media: Which is best?

Blogging vs Social Media: Which is best? 1024 577 79DESIGN Ltd

.Do I really have to write those blog articles, get all the SEO right, adding the images etc?  Can just work on my social media posts, where I already have a many followers?

We often hear this same phrase: “Does it make sense having a blog if we just work on our social media? Do I even need one if I use Twitter and Instagram?”

Today, social media provides great power and allows you to reach a big number of people.  These people maybe interested in what we say, where we are and what we do in our lives and businesses. Ease in content usage, speed in submission using “mobile” makes social networks the ideal port for those who create content. Social networks are extremely useful and needed but they must be linked to something else for the reasons that we going to list here.

Reasons why a blog is of huge importance

On your blog, whether it is professional or just personal, you have the freedom to decide what to change.  Such as  when to change, how to display it, and when to post it and why to change something from a technical point of view.  A blog manager can help with this situation.  If they are on your website, you have their attention… on you.   On social networks, you are controlled by the algorithms, by other people’s decisions and how they want to show your content.   Let’s practical: Instagram has released a new update where users can only see a lower percentage of content compared to the past, based on a presumed interest. This presumed interest is however established by an algorithm and this directly impacts the general engagement of the posts.

Sometimes social network changes are in favour of users, but sometimes … not so much. If you make technical changes to your blog, you will decide which ones and make sure that those who read you continue to do it and maybe even do it again.

blog management and posting online

A blog deserves thanks and has benefits

Thanks to the blog you have benefits in terms of followers as well as engagement and direct traffic – if you have Blog Management Services, this can be setup even better for you.  If you focus on social media, you have a short and brief note to post.  If you have a Blog, that post can link back to your blog, where the article can be highly engaging, with plenty of content – and high optimisable for Google too.  Usually, the traction on social media is very low and even those who use social networks stop at those and only rarely can you effectively see a conversion. Having a blog that works means taking credit for the visits, the engagement and all the annexes.

The odd picture is fab – but will it boost your business?

If you post the odd picture, and just a little slogan – that’s great for Social.  If you want to boost your business, you need a blog too – and to link back to it, from social media, else, your business is ‘excerpts’.

blog lincolnshire

Blog is evergreen

Simple and fast: content on social networks are lost within a few minutes, those on the blog will always be there and they will have even more value after some time.  That content will gain traction with your keywords as Google indexes this content – it’s great for Google Indexing and SEO.  ‘Content is King’.  This traction cannot be picked up on Google nearly as well as on a Blog.

Attention span on the blog is higher and the reader more attentive – don’t dismiss it

The attention span, the threshold of users attention on social media, is very low, it is said around 10 – 15 seconds.  People have a quick look on phones, perhaps in a coffee shop, in the back seat of a car, waiting in a queue.  Not long.

However, good content on a blog requires a different form of understanding, a propensity to listening and a greater interest. The reason is simple: reading requires in-depth study.  Those looking for further information are really willing to read lots of content in order to find the answers they want.

It all points to the benefit of those who manage a blog, as long as it does so consistently.

blog compareIs there a solution – a right and wrong way?

Should you focus solely on your blog, forgetting about social media?
There is no definitive answer but there is a clear approach if you accept the points above.

If you have a blog, it’s genius for your business’s keywords.  For showing content and ‘activity’ in your business.  If you have social media only, you have nowhere to point uses who are having a quick.

You post a photo of an event or product on social media – great.  But it’s so much better if they can click on it to read much more about that event or product.  Sometimes an excerpt is all that’s need – but all the time?  No.

These two methods are integrated and support each other.  The future is built on real content to be “exploited” in the long run.  For Google to gather it, index it and read it.  Just like you have just read this.  And we thank you for doing so.

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