• 21st March 2017

Working with some new WordPress theme tools

Working with some new WordPress theme tools

Working with some new WordPress theme tools 1024 486 79DESIGN Ltd

In the past week we have been working hard with a new client on their ecommerce shopping platform, with WordPress.

This platform is incredibly adaptable, meaning we can put huge banners or functions anywhere we want on their website, from animated counters to show various facts and info, to testimonials, slogans icons and promotional material.

We have also had brilliant communication with the team behind the theme, to help us get the design perfect for them, and to understand the tools and what they can do for this company.

The landing pages for various categories are brilliantly manageable too, so we can put in big banners and amazing styling options for them.  It includes a blog that we can style as well, from 1, 2, 3, 4 columns of information, and whether we want to show their featured images or not.

wordpress logo

Due live within a matter of weeks, this website will knock their socks off!  Very responsive for devices, connected to their social media, and easy to ‘share’ to other social networks as well.

Working with our partners at Visual Shop, we cannot wait to show them and go live.

Through our WordPress Support services, we provide monthly support to these websites, insuring their content is up to date, and the styling and plugins are on perfect too.

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