• 6th April 2022

How to disable WordPress Email Notifications

How to disable WordPress Email Notifications

How to disable WordPress Email Notifications 500 333 79DESIGN Ltd

More WordPress notification emails??

Are you fed up with the constant emails you might be getting from your WordPress website?  We don’t mean contact forms, or even if someone creates an account – they can be rather nice to know that someone is now active on your website.

What we are describing are “Plugin A has been updated to the latest version 5.4.2”, or “WordPress has now been updated to the latest version x.x.x…”.  Now, if you have just one website, and most companies do, it’s not really a problem.  And sometimes kinda of useful, but what if you have multiple websites – in fact, like us!

You might open your emails in the morning and find dozens and dozens of emails telling you that this plugin was updated, and that one… and that one………. oh and this one… and not forgetting that one….. bit annoying?

Stop the WordPress Notification Emails

There are ways to stop them, but alas WordPress itself doesn’t give you that option automatically – there isn’t a screen where you can opt out of certain emails.  Now that is annoying.

wordpress emails

Plugins and FTP

The two ways of doing it either require access to your Plugins, or access to your Theme File Editor or FTP.

The Theme File Editor / FTP method

If you know your way around WordPress, you can go to Apperance > Theme File Editor.  This is where your theme’s files are located, and most importantly, your functions.php file.  This is where you may have little to no code, or a ton of it – depending on your website.

To disable the emails for when WordPress itself is updated automatically, you need to add this:

add_filter( 'auto_core_update_send_email', 'wpb_stop_auto_update_emails', 10, 4 );
function wpb_stop_update_emails( $send, $type, $core_update, $result ) {
if ( ! empty( $type ) && $type == 'success' ) {
return false;
return true;

If you are looking to disable the emails for when free plugins from the WordPress Repository are updated, you need to add this line:

add_filter( 'auto_plugin_update_send_email', '__return_false' );

If you are unsure about this, get in touch with us.  The problem with doing it in functions.php, is a) you could break it with one missing character, and b) if you are not using a Child theme, and your theme is updated, the functions.php file is overridden, and the setting is lost.

Oh no… gasp.. shudder… what do we do then?

Simple…. do it with a free plugin.

Plugin for disabling managing email notifications in WordPress

Manage Email Notifications (opens in a new tab)

This can be added under Add New Plugins, and gives you so much control, with no need to learn any code.  You can disable what you want – such as just WP Core, or WP Plugins too.  Really easy.  And it’s a light plug, so won’t be churning all the time.

Again, if unsure, just in get touch with us.
We are not affiliated with this plugin, but it’s free anyway.  We didn’t write it.  But it’s something that was raised with us by someone, and is a plugin we have used ourselves.  Just imagine a designer managing countless websites and all the emails they must get with updates………. if only there was a way to stop ’em.  There is.

Keep well.  Keep safe.  Be kind.

#bekind #safety #wordpress

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