WordPress: Contact Forms

As a user of a WordPress-powered website, you’ve likely needed to create and add contact forms. We look at the means of creating contact forms for your WordPress site.

Our primary form is Contact Form 7, which is used by millions, and easy to setup.  Your Theme might have forms that can be imported, which have nice designs.

It’s the essential form for your website

Contact forms are a must-have for any WordPress-powered website, and these forms – which range from simple and to complex – can do a lot more than just ask for names, addresses, and messages. It can conditionally show other form elements if an option is chosen.

Topics include:

  • Choosing the right plugin for you
  • Best practices with forms
  • Mitigating email deliverability problems
  • Creating and adding a basic form
  • Creating extra fields
  • Using conditional logic in your form
  • Creating a landing page

Forms create a connection with your customers

Installing and using WordPress contact forms

Along with many other exciting aspects of WordPress, we can show you where to locate themes, look at theme demos, and then download and install them for your website.

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