Wordpress Training:
Creating & Editing WordPress Pages

WordPress Pages are different from Posts – these are the core part of your websites, from the Homepage, to Contact page, it can even form your Blog ‘feed’ page.  Plus other areas of your website.

We show you during WordPress Training how your Pages are created, edited, and then added to your website.

Create & Add a Page

Forming the content to your website

We teach you how to create Pages and edit them.  How to change text colours and assigning the right Header Tags to titles, adding media, and with Page Builders, make it look fab!

Mobile Phone Styling

Check phone formatting, easily

How does your Page look on a mobile device?  Is the spacing right, are images laid out correctly?  We teach you all the elements to make it responsive, and see how your Theme can aid you.

Embedding Video

YouTube & WordPress

You want to add an embedded YouTube Video onto your website?  With our training we can teach what you want to know.  So we will teach you that and show you the best methods of adding video.

Save as Draft

Not Finished – Save it

WordPress makes it easy to save your Page as a Draft and see how it looks.  Within our WordPress Training we teach you where to do this, and how to open it again at a future time to complete the job.

Add to the Menu

Pages don’t just appear in the menu – you add them

The menu is partially dynamic, but you have to add new Pages to it.  It’s fairly easy, but we show you how to add them, and to add sub-menus too.  Then see it how works on phone.

creating pages wordpress training

Creating Pages, learning the menus, forming layouts, saving Draft Pages and much more.

Gradually going through Pages at your pace, sitting with you.  No classroom lectures.  Just gentle, informal training at your desk.  Showing you how to do all these things you need to learn on WordPress.