V Dub Van

VW Campervan Hire
Newcastle Upon Tyne
VDub van

We found Simon to be very responsive to both out of hours requests and difficult questions. The website chat box is a very good responsive touch, and we really appreciated his late Saturday night instant changes to our website when we were discussing our final touches/changes before launch. Before working with Simon our website was indexed and available on Google but was not being listed in searches. Since Simon stepped in and rebuilt our website, we went from page 10, to page 5 to page 2 in google search in our area within 2 weeks!Katie, part-owner.

Brian and Katie, from Tyne and Wear, contacted us directly via our Livechat service, to enquire about their website, VDubVan.com.  It was running on Wix, but they had severe SEO problems.  We had a look through it while we were ‘chatting’, and found that it was littered with issues.

We went through these with them both, but alas we couldn’t resolve them with Wix.  As we state in our Wix Website page, it’s good for a cheapy site, but not good if you want it to rank well on Google.

So we submitted a plan and within a week, it went live!  The site looks about 95% the same as their previous website, but the SEO is spot on, the layouts are better, and on a phone device it just looks much more polished.

We even worked late one evening on Livechat (around 1030/11pm) to finish off a few areas for them.

Brian and Katie are both really pleased with the result, and we hope to see improvements online through the North Yorkshire and Tyne & Wear area for them as Google begins to re-index their new WordPress built website.

Langdale, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Services Provided