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Migrate your Magento Websites to WordPress

Magento websites is a system primary used for Commerce websites.  Sometimes it is self hosted, but mostly it is hosted on their platform.

From our experience, it can be a costly system to use, and you are fairly locked down with the SEO efforts you can make to it  – so we suggest migrating to WordPress.

Contact us about converting to WordPress

magento websites wordpress migrate

We are not a Magento development company.  We are WordPress.  So while we would love to support clients who use Magento, we can’t.  However, we do make it a smooth process to (in our view) upgrade to WordPress, support you with your website, improve it, and work to make it a better proposition for you.

Can we help you?

If you have Magento websites that aren’t doing too well for you, and you want to convert it to WordPress, get in touch here.

We can migrate your products over, plus customers, orders and more.  Build your other pages, and get the look and feel pretty similar too.

Pop a message over to us and let’s get started for you.

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