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Migrating Blogger website to WordPress

Moving you to a
Better Place

We have moved clients from Blogger and other platforms for years. It provides a better hosting system, and greater support.

UK Wide

Moving Blogger to WordPress with 79DESIGN

Over the years, we have had various websites to be migrated over to WordPress – Blogger websites is one of them.  Blogger is purely about Blogging, but WordPress is a far superior Blogging platform than Blogger.  This is the view of many.

So we offer a service to migrate your Blogger website to WordPress.  It exports all your pages, menus, and images over.  We setup the hosting, and design, the migrate it all over for you from Blogger to WordPress.

So what can we do for your Blogger Migration?

We are here to take on your Blogger website, and rebuild it in the amazing  WordPress platform with a vastly improved design and support.

Your homepage can show your Google Analytics results (Blogger can’t), you can edit your own SEO areas, like Titles, Meta Descriptions and add your own images, and you can even ask your designer to edit content within the same day if you wish.

blogger website migration to wordpress

A wonderful website experience

Can we help you?

If you have a Blogger website and you’d like to perhaps experience what WordPress could do for you, get in touch with us here at 79DESIGN today.  Let’s see what we can do for your business.

wordpress support person