Website Uptime Monitoring

Who checks your site's status?

website uptime monitoring service

We provide a service that not only continually checks your website’s status, but if it goes down, or has other issues affecting it’s stability, we are on it before you know about it.

Website hosting usually has a 99.8% uptime guarantee from most hosts, but there are times when things don’t go to plan.

Your domain might expire without you realising.  Someone might have added something to your site that causes a major issue, such as a plugin update.  A DDoS attack can bring your site down.  No website is absolutely full proof – but if yours need monitoring, that’s what we do.

Security of your Website

We keep your website up to date with the latest security updates, and ensure your SSL certificate is the latest.  This helps keep the website’s uptime in a positive state, with great security.

DDoS Attack Support

Some websites can become targets for attacks – these hit your website with extreme levels of traffic, causing it to crash.  We work with hosts to support and restore your website.

Server Monitoring Services

With full server access, we can attend to your site’s “back end” if there is a problem, and resolve issues if there is any undue downtime.  And help to keep the website *up*.

Plugin Incompatibilities

Installing a bad plugin, or a website update that is not compatible with a plugin can cause a fatal crash.  We are here to restore the website, or run these updates for you.