On Page SEO

It’s all about what you see, and what the client and customer sees…. and doesn’t see.

Optimising your website’s OnPage SEO

We will optimise your website, both on the surface and behind the scenes. This service includes looking at title tags, meta descriptions, Header Tags and much more.

Using latest tech to ensure your platform is running SEO smoothly each month, keeping images, text and other areas optimised, while checking in to see how it is going, and for on-page SEO improvements.

On-Page SEO

Header Tag SEO

Header Tags are an often missed area of On Page SEO.  Hidden code can cause so many issues.  We do our upmost to ensure all Header Tags are correctly added, and most appropriately used through your website.

Image Optimisation

Just because the image looks good, doesn’t mean it create a great On Page SEO result.  We ensure your images are correct for the page, with the correct tags for each given page, and update regularly.

Page Caching SEO

Designers sometimes know, but SEO specialists really know about caching, and how vital it is to On Page SEO.  Ask us for details, as it can do the right thing (and the wrong thing) for your website.

Keyword Targeting

If you sell Garden Sheds, shouldn’t you say it a few times across the website?  We often see sites that don’t use their keywords, even in the simplest format.  We run On Page SEO checks for your core keywords.

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