University of Lincoln

Lincoln's University

We all found the training very interesting and feel inspired by Simon.

University of Lincoln

What they do
Local and well known University in the heart of Lincoln, with varied subjects, and highly professional tutors.

What we covered
WordPress Training

Lincoln, Lincolnshire, UK


A big group needed WordPress Training

Marina from the University of Lincoln emailed various companies in the area asking for experts in WordPress.  We did of course reply and offer our services, and she duly responded.  We learnt from Marina what sort of training they needed.  How many people would be trained.

We then planned a full day of training on their Campus, training eight people in the morning, and eight people in the afternoon after a lunch they laid on.

Knowledgeable on WordPress, trained both our large groups, and inspired us all.

Maria, University of Lincoln

Our Solution

It was a really good day.  We taught them many things, some of the real basics, but with others they wanted to learn more advanced things.

We taught them about Posts, Pages, Media Library and even SEO and the correct use of Header Tags.

We sat down individually with some of Marina’s colleagues who were struggling a little, while others were getting ahead.  We feel they all learnt a lot, and finished the day having gained a lot of information about WordPress.

Wordpress agency UK training