The Pheasant Inn

Village Pub
Food & Drink

The Pheasant Inn, Toddington, The Cotswolds

What they do
A beautiful public house (Pub) in the heart of the English Countryside, The Cotswolds

Toddington, Cotswolds


the pheasant inn, cotswolds

How it all started

Carys from the Pheasant Inn, in Toddington, got in touch with us about having her website modernised.  Her pub has been redesigned, and now it was her website’s turn!  We were very pleased when she accepted our offer, with hosting, design and WordPress Support.

Thank you for your hardwork on getting the website up and running so quickly. Much appreciated.
Carys, Owner, The Pheasant Inn, Toddington

Our Solution

Carys’ live site wasn’t WordPress, so there was nothing to migrate.  We started from zero, and built it from the ground up.  With some existing photos, and new ones she kindly supplied, the website was soon created.  A much more modern, and yet very classy design for a pub in the beauty of the Cotswolds.  We designed it with some of her existing colours, and a few design features from her old site.  But with some ‘Cotwold colours’ here and there as well.

the pheasant inn, cotswolds
the pheasant inn, cotswolds