Spalding Gentlemans Society

Local Spalding Information Museum

Nick from the Spalding Gentlemans Society contacted us directly asking about having their website revamped.

It looked very old, but thankfully it was already created using WordPress.  So we went over it careful and came back with a proposal that Nick took to the members.

It was agreed.  They had a keen photographer within their group who took a selection of wonderful photographs, leaving it to us to reskin their website.  We did this on a subdomain – this meant their existing website could remain live!  We NEVER redesign a website, using the live one.  We always make a copy first.

We did this, and after a few tweaks the result was fabulous and taken with some applause.  Following on from this, we provide a few hours of WordPress Training at the local college build, where we trained 7 people to use the system.

WordPress Training at Boston College

The Society hired a room at Boston College in Spalding so we could all sit around a table and provide the WordPress Training.  The trainer would walk around the table attending to each person, so we were all in the same place.  It worked very well.

Some knew how to use WordPress, some knew zero.  So we train everyone at their level and hopefully they all got to a stage where they are comfortable to create posts and edit content.

The website went live a few weeks later and we have even had folks see that website, and come to us asking for something similar.

Spalding, Lincolnshire