Search 4 Car Spares

Car Spares Sales
vehicle retail

Brian from Search 4 Car Spares contacted us directly about his website.  He was with EKM but had lots of problems, and wanted to move away, and into WordPress.  He wanted us to support him with his business, design a new logo, but most of all provide exceptional hosting.  Job one was to provide WordPress Migration services.  Once on our system, we can provide our fine WordPress Support to keep it safe, secure and up to date.

Thousands of car products available

He will potentially have over 10,000 products and needed a solution to accommodate this.  We can easily provide such a service, and within a few weeks, we had setup the hosting, imported over 1,000 products from his account, and designed the platform.

We also had our Graphics Wizard Fiona create him a new logo design for his company.

Visit the website here: