Newtons Tree Services

Website Design | Hosting

Newtons Tree Services

What they do
They provide Tree Surgeon services across Kent, Essex and London, for cutting back trees, hedges and so on.

What we covered
Website Hosting,WordPress Web Design.



website design for newtons tree services

How it all started

Jack contacted us about his website – he was having issues with an existing designer, and wanted his site built properly, hosted properly, with management.  He originally went thru Bark, but had a bit of a “traumatic time”, and as such he wanted to get a professional to rebuild it the way he wanted it.

It’s been good working with you. Love the website.

Jack, Owner, Newtons Tree Services

Our Solution

Our plan really was very simple.  To take what had been built, using new photos he kindly supplied, and develop a website he is really proud to own.  A website that has our magic all over it, highly responsive, branded to his colours, and easy to read and navigate.

Jack had a few tweaks and changes to make, none of which were any trouble at all, and we very quickly got his new website up and running, submitted to Google, ready for it to be indexed and we hope, grow!

website design for newtons tree services
website design for newtons tree services