MVQ Silicones

MVQ Silicones

MVQ Silicone Products – Germany

What they do
Manufacturing and Supplying all Silicone Rubber Products across Germany

Weinheim, Germany


mvq silicones

How it all started

This was part of a project for Silex UK, where they have two websites.  This is the German website, and both required migrated to our hosting services, and then ongoing support for their business.  It was a two-website package from the start, and we were delighted that they contacted us to make this happen for them.

Excellent work, as always.

Pete, Marketing Manager, Silex UK/MVQ Silicones

Our Solution

This was a relatively straight forward task, moving a WordPress website from A to B.  But the issue was with their domain, as it was registered somewhere, frankly unknown.  We assisted them in locating it, then finally they got access and we were able to manage their DNS.  Now we can work with them to improve their website far beyond its current setup.

Since we began this project, we have completed a redesign of their website, based on their UK branch at Silex, so the brand flows through perfectly.  They now have far easier control over its design, and we can do much more with it, with a greater degree of control.

mvq silicones
mvq silicones