MCS Aware

Website Design | Hosting

MCS Aware – Charity

What they do
They are a Charity for Environmental Illness, providing information and support to thousands of people in the UK and worldwide suffering from chemical, food and electro-sensitivities.

What we covered
Charity Website Design,WordPress Hosting.

Hitchin, Hertfordshire


mcs aware charity website design

How it all started

Alicia from MCS Aware got in touch with us toward the end of summer 2022, to ask if we can create them something new, fresh and easier to manage than the Joomla website they had.  Their team had someone on it who was good with Databases, so was able to work with the forum to migrate content over. From Joomla to WordPress is no easy task.  So we had a plan to redesign their charity website design, tweaked logo, and redo each page.

Wonderfully helpful, and quick off the draw with replies.

Alicia, Manager, MCS Aware

Our Solution

The plan was pretty straight forward actually.  To create a brand new WordPress hosting install, free for their charity.  Install a new theme and custom design it to their colour scheme, and our ideas.  Based on the issues their charity responds to, we wanted to get that across in their design.  Something we were told many times, we had gotten just perfectly right.

The blog was migrated over already, but the forum was not something we were directly involved in.  Only the navigation and setup of the system.  We came up with the entire layout, design and colour usage across the site, paying attention to the donation area, as well as easy to use buttons across the website.

charity website desig mcs aware
charity website desig mcs aware