Madeleine Hawkes

Dietitian and Psychologist

I’ve only just started working with this company but I have been blown away by how efficient, professional and helpful they are. They are super on it and really know their stuff. Highly recommend!Madeleine.

Madeleine Hawkes

What she does
Madeleine is a Registered Dietitian and Psychologist, meaning she has a unique combination of dietary expertise and psychological knowledge.

What we covered
Website Design, Website Hosting, WordPress Support, WordPress Maintenance.

Bristol, UK

madeleine hawkes

How it all started

Madeleine contacted us as she needed WordPress Support for her website, as well as SEO services – which was apparently being done by an existing company.  There was not a shred of evidence that any SEO had ever been done.

The site had no caching, not optimisation, not keywords added, and the speed wasn’t up to par.

She also had issues where she would contact them for help, and wait days or more for a reply.  We decided it was time she shifted to a better place.

madeleine hawkes

I’m so glad I found you.

Madeleine Hawkes

Our Solution


She wasn’t too keen to move, so we simply enabled some of our professional tools on her website, and it had an immediate effect, so there has been no initial need to move the site to us.   While we would prefer it be with us for added performance, it works well where it is.  But with correct Caching enabled, this has helped her site move forward.

The website design

Madeleine’s site already uses WP Bakery which is a wonderful tool to use.  So we have been able to make updates on her website, without having to ‘redesign’ anything, which adds costs that she doesn’t need.

She has already commended us on the time in which we have initiated a lot of our changes, and will continue to do so over the course of time, to help drive her website, and her SEO upwards in the right direction.

Brand new website

Since this client came on board with us, we have now completely redesigned Madeleine’s website.  A new logo, fresher, with more information, and with help from her copywriter, Lucy Thornton, it has been transformed.

Madeleine has since stepped back from her Dietician venture.

madeleine's website