Lincolnshire County Council

Our County Council

A brilliant course at our offices, with all our checklist worked through. We now feel much more knowledgeable about WordPress.

Lincolnshire County Council

What they do
The County Council for Lincolnshire; the UK’s second largest county.

What we covered
WordPress Training, SEO

Lincoln, Lincolnshire, UK


Maria gave us a call about their website

Maria from the Call Connect Lincs Bus department at Lincolnshire County Council contacted us directly about WordPress Training.

They were given a website to look after, but very little training on how to use it.  She very easily found us, booked in a day’s WordPress Training, and we visited her, and her colleague Hayley to show them how to use it – from scratch.

While they knew a little bit, they asked to be treated like they knew nothing about it.  So we literally trained them from the ground up.  Main there were a great eye-opener to them, certain tasks which they have done, we showed how to do them way better.

Very informative, and an eye opener at times.  We’ve learnt so much, from things we were doing wrong, and far simpler methods of doing things right.  Thanks to Simon.

Maria, Administrator, Lincolnshire County Council

Our Solution

SEO tasks are now at the top of their agenda as well, as we showed them tools to improve this part of their website.

It was a very productive day, plus meeting their manager Paul as has to further work with Lincolnshire County Council’s website in the future.  So we very much look forward to that relationship developing.

With Maria and Hayley a great time working with WordPress now they have developed much improved knowledge.  We know we will be going up there for further sessions including SEO training and other training in more depth.

Lincolnshire County Council
uk wordpress training