
Fire Suppression Systems
health & safety

The Brief

Abbie from iMist got in touch with us about their Dartford-based website on their Fire Suppression services.  They needed better WordPress Support than they were getting at the time, plus improved SEO and an overall Website Healthcheck.

They also had severe issues as their website had been hacked, and was entirely broken.
They had issues with their site, which we duly resolved for them within a few hours.

But after all this, it was soon established that the design tools used on their site did not help with SEO, or future planning, nor with their extensive portfolio.

Our Solution

The decision was then made to move the site to our platform for increased security, performance and SEO.
We now host their website and continue to provide far better SEO services.  As with any large website, this takes time.  So each month we are going through the site to make tweaks and changes to improve their service online.

We are also now redeveloping the entire website with a brand new look, using their existing colour scheme, with an overhaul.  Working very closely with Abbie, who has been a total star with learning how to operate the Portfolio, and other areas, it’s meant we can build the ground level, and she can work on more content.

You can see the website here:

Simon is so professional and friendly since day one in regards to our website. We first found 79 Designs when our website got hacked and Simon managed to help diagnose the problem and get it sorted ASAP. Since then, we moved our hosting and support to 79 Designs as we wanted a company that we trusted with our business. They also helped us to design a brand-new website with a slicker look and faster functionalities. Thank you so much Simon!Abbie, iMist


Dartford, London

imist website project