Horton Kirby Primary School

Kent Primary School

Horton Kirby Church of England Primary School

What they do
A primary school in the heart of Kent. Horton Kirby Church of England Primary School has been a member of Aletheia Academies Trust since 2017.

Aletheia is committed to sustaining high-quality schools, and supporting schools in need of specific improvement in some of the more challenging wards in Kent.

What we covered
Website Design, WordPress Support

Horton Kirby, Dartford, UK


horton kirby

How it all started

Abbie from AAAT contacted us about some websites that needed redesigning.  We knew Abbie from previous projects and “hit it off”, so was delighted that she chose us to proposal, and of course their team agree to our proposal.

The plan was to design a new website for one of the schools, then roll out the new design to multiple schools across the county of Kent in the UK.

It’s just perfect, thank you.

Abbie, Marketing Officer, Aletheia Academies Trust

Our Solution

The first task was to design the header and footer, so it would show all the links needed, particularly on a PC, for parents and teachers to access the various parts of the School.  Then we looked at what showed up on mobile, and adapted that to perfection.

Abbie had some wonderful ideas for the homepage, so we worked with her to get it just right, in her eyes, that she literally put on paper!
The result is just magic.  Playful, warm, easy to ready, and a ‘gentle’ looking website.  With modern edges here and there.

education website design kent
screenshot tablet horton kirby