Hope Tavern

Public House & Music Venue, Market Rasen
Pubs & Restaurants

Quick to response to all queries, and created a website that has boosted our visitors with many giving great positive comments on our website.,

Hope Tavern

What they do
The Hope Tavern is a traditional Free House located at the foot of the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds, between the historic town of Caistor and Market Rasen.

What we covered
WordPress Services, Website Design, Website Hosting, WordPress Support, WordPress Maintenance, Graphic Design, Logo Design

Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, UK


The Brief

Graeme from the Hope Tavern in Lincolnshire contacted us about the brand design, and website for is local pub.  It is more than just a pub, as they serve super quality food from local suppliers as well as a hub of Blues Music.  So they wanted a website to express all this, with events, new stationery and much more.

They were using Wix for their site which looked extremely dated.  He had a new sign made for the pub, and wanted that turning into a graphical logo, so it could be used for signs and stationery.

He also wanted to show events at the pub, in terms of Music events and ‘Events’ separately (such as garden parties).

Printing for menus all done perfectly, graphic design was amazing, and the website is just spot on.  Far better than we had with Wix.

Hope Tavern

Our Solution

Job one was to design the new logo based on some artwork he had done for his premises.  Our graphics whiz Fiona did this, as well as the letterhead for his menus, so they can print them inhouse, but on quality, branded paper.  This was printed on Recycled Paper.

With the logo in a kind of portrait shape, we knew what we wanted to do with the site.  A layered design that shows photographs of the pub and events in the top ‘hero’ area of the website.  He wanted people to be able to submit their Booking for a meal, so we added a custom button that was different from the menu, so it was easy to book.

The events were separated into Categories, so could be showed on different pages: Music, and Events.
Moving away from Wix, and into WordPress.

You can visit their website here: https://www.hopetavern.co.uk.